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Real-time systems for EtherCAT, ProfiNET, VARAN. Real-time systems for EtherCAT, ProfiNET, VARAN. With Windows and RTX drivers.
Przystawki oscyloskopowe na USB i Ethernet. Karty oscyloskopowe na PCI i PXI. Karty ultra-szybkich digitizerów analogowych i cyfrowych.
Pesage, triage et emballage de pommes en fonction du poids. Affectation précise des images scannées. Banc de test pour engrenages de montres. Dispositif de mesure pour sous-marins.
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Saturday, November 09, 2013. I am such a negligent blogger but thought I would try an update. All is well in our world. David and I have slipped away to the mountains for a short vacation and the leaves are still pretty in some areas. We found out yesterday our new grandbaby is going to be a boy! I am, once again, trying to lose some weight. I have lost 42 pounds and David has lost almost 30. Seems like same song, different verse! Anyway, at least we are going down some instead of up! I have been blessed.
Deviant since Jan 19, 2010.